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Class com.gContactSync.Overlay

Defined in: Overlay.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Checks if the authentication token is present and valid.
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
The last version of gContactSync
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Gets the text of the status bar.
Called when the overlay is loaded and initializes everything and begins the authentication check and sync or login prompt.
Sets the text of the status bar to the given value.
Called when the overlay is unloaded and removes the address book listener.
Writes the current time to the status bar along with the sync finished string.
Class Detail
Checks if the authentication token is present and valid. If so, it starts everything up and synchronizes the contacts. Otherwise it shows the login window.
Field Detail
<static> com.gContactSync.Overlay.mLastVersionMajor
The last version of gContactSync
Method Detail
<static> {string} com.gContactSync.Overlay.getStatusBarText()
Gets the text of the status bar.
{string} The text of the status bar

<static> com.gContactSync.Overlay.initialize()
Called when the overlay is loaded and initializes everything and begins the authentication check and sync or login prompt.

<static> com.gContactSync.Overlay.setStatusBarText(aText)
Sets the text of the status bar to the given value.
{string} The text to put on the status bar.

<static> com.gContactSync.Overlay.unload()
Called when the overlay is unloaded and removes the address book listener.

<static> com.gContactSync.Overlay.writeTimeToStatusBar()
Writes the current time to the status bar along with the sync finished string. When the status text is clicked the log file is opened.

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.1.0 on Fri May 06 2011 09:24:18 GMT-0400 (EDT)