Computer Help, Information, & Tweaks
Common Errors
This section contains some common errors and how to fix them including:
- STOP Errors (blue screens of death)
- hal.dll missing or corrupt
- Random restarts, shutdowns, and freezing
- NTLDR, ntoskrnl missing or corrupt
I used to write programs in VisualBasic after I learned the basics in high school. Most of my programming now is for my add-ons, homework, or my job
- Password Bin - Beta - Generates secure, random passwords and safely stores your login information in an encrypted file.
- English-ASCII Converter - Converts an English string to ASCII or to any other numerical base up to base 36 so you can talk to your friends in binary.
- Base Converter - Converts numbers from one base (radix) to another up to base 36.
This section contains tutorials on Windows XP, Vista, Internet Explorer 7, Hardware, and more. The most popular tutorials include:
This section has some tweaks that I found useful in the past. Some tweaks include adding a Tools tab to msconfig, "installing" the Recovery Console, and creating a custom title for Internet Explorer.